
To get up and running with hardshare, try the instructions below.

For more details, including alternative configurations and special cases, read Installation Instructions. To learn basic concepts about hardshare, read the Introduction.


Instuctions below are known to work on modern GNU/Linux distributions, for example Ubuntu.

First, get the current release at https://github.com/rerobots/hardshare/releases and follow the instructions for your host. If your host type is not there, then please contact us or build the client from source code.

If it succeeded, then you should be able to get the version from the command-line interface (CLI)

hardshare version

Create Local Configuration

Get an API token to associate with your hardshare client. (Learn how to do this from the rerobots Web Guide.) Then, initialize a new local configuration, and add the API token to it

hardshare init
hardshare config --add-token path/to/your/rerobots-apitoken.txt

Finally, create a new workspace deployment

hardshare register

This command can fail if your account cannot register more new devices. Please contact us to raise the limit.

Confirm that the configuration and dependencies are all ready:

hardshare check

If an error is detected, the check command will print details and suggest how to fix it. If the suggestion does not work for you, then read the Installation Instructions.

Start Sharing!

Start advertising

hardshare ad

Open a new terminal, and check it

hardshare status

which should result in output that is similar to the following

advertised deployments:

Request Instance

Now that the daemon is active, you can request an instance on your own device through https://rerobots.net/. Go to the URL shown in

hardshare list

It will look like https://rerobots.net/workspace/b47cd57c-833b-47c1-964d-79e5e6f00dba but with a different ID. After requesting the instance, it should go from INIT to READY. If something breaks, for example arriving at INIT_FAIL status, then read Installation Instructions or Get Help. For example, the first INIT can appear slow because a Docker image is downloaded, as described elsewhere.

If instance initialization is interrupted by a loss of connection or the client crashing, then the instance will automatically be marked INIT_FAIL. Unrecoverable errors during INIT or TERMINATING cause the deployment to be locked. This is shown as lock-out: true in the listing from hardshare list, e.g.,

registration details for workspace deployments in local config:
	created: 2021-02-26 01:29 UTC
	desc: CubeCell with OLED
	origin (address) of registration: (unknown)
	lock-out: true

When locked, new instance requests are rejected. To allow instances again,

hardshare unlock

Otherwise, congratulations on successful instantiation from your own device! Terminate the instance from https://rerobots.net/instances and, from the command-line, stop the daemon

hardshare stop-ad

Check Permissions

When a new device is registered, the default configuration permits only you (i.e., your user account) to create instances. To get the list of access rules

hardshare rules -l

which should only have 1 item under rules: a capability CAP_INSTANTIATE and your username. To allow other users

hardshare rules --permit-all

What Next?

At this stage, you have a ready-to-use hardshare host. Next: