
The command-line interface (CLI) for rerobots is realized through a program that allows you to search for devices, launch new instances, and perform other rerobots actions from a text-based terminal.

The corresponding source code repository is hosted at



Go to to find the most recent release files built for popular targets like macOS or Linux on x86_64. If your preferred host is not listed there, please contact us.

Building from Source Code

To build for own computer

cargo build --release --locked

Beware that the resulting program might be dynamically linked to libraries and, therefore, not easily copied to a different host. For cross-compiling and creating static programs (therefore avoiding linker dependencies at runtime), releases are made with cross. For example, to build for Linux on Raspberry Pi,

cross build --target armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf --release --locked



The command-line interface (CLI) is self-documenting. To begin, try

rerobots help

which will result in a message similar to the following

rerobots API command-line client


    -n               assume "no" for any questions required to execute the
                     command; this can prevent destructive actions, e.g.,
                     overwriting a local file
    -y               assume "yes" for any questions required to execute the
                     command; otherwise, interactive prompts will appear to
                     confirm actions as needed
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -v, --verbose    Increases verboseness level of logs; ignored if RUST_LOG is
    -V, --version    Prints version number and exits

    -t <FILE>                plaintext file containing API token; with this
                             flag, the REROBOTS_API_TOKEN environment variable
                             is ignored
        --format <FORMAT>    output formatting; options: YAML , JSON

    get-ssh-key    Get secret key for SSH access to instance
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given
    info           Print summary about instance
    isready        Indicate whether instance is ready with exit code
    launch         Launch instance from specified workspace deployment or
    list           List all instances by this user
    search         Search for matching deployments. empty query implies show
                   all existing workspace deployments
    ssh            Connect to instance host via ssh
    terminate      Terminate instance
    token          Get information about an API token
    version        Prints version number and exits
    wdinfo         Print summary about workspace deployment

Call help to learn more about commands, e.g., rerobots help info to learn usage of rerobots info.

To use an API token, assign it to the environment variable REROBOTS_API_TOKEN, or give it through a file named in the command-line switch -t.


The following video demonstrates how to search for types of workspaces, request an instance, and finally terminate it. The same example is also presented below in text. (This video can also be watched at

Before beginning, get an API token (from the dashboard). Now assign it to an environment variable. For example, if the API token is saved to a local file named tok, then

export REROBOTS_API_TOKEN=$(cat tok)

Search for workspace deployments

# rerobots search misty
2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf    fixed_misty2

Get more information about one of them

# rerobots wdinfo 2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf
  "cap": {
    "rules": []
  "id": "2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf",
  "type": "fixed_misty2",
  "type_version": 1,
  "supported_addons": [
  "desc": "",
  "region": "us:cali",
  "icounter": 641,
  "created": "2019-11-18 22:23:57.433893",
  "queuelen": 0

Notice that `queuelen = 0`, i.e., this workspace deployment is available, and
requests to instantiate from it now are likely to succeed. To do so,

# rerobots launch 2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf

Get information about the new instance

# rerobots info f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec
  "id": "f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec",
  "deployment": "2c0873b5-1da1-46e6-9658-c40379774edf",
  "type": "fixed_misty2",
  "region": "us:cali",
  "starttime": "2020-05-23 02:05:20.311535",
  "rootuser": "scott",
  "fwd": {
    "ipv4": "",
    "port": 2210
  "hostkeys": [
    "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPd5tTJLAksiu3uTbGwkBKXFb00XyTPeef6tn/0AMFiRpomU5bArpJnT3SZKhN3kkdT3HvTQiN5/dexOCFWNGUE= root@newc59"
  "status": "READY"

When READY, get the SSH secret key created for the instance

rerobots get-ssh-key f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec

The section fwd contains an IP address and port at which ssh connections can be established to the instance host. The rerobots CLI provides a convenient command to do this::

rerobots ssh f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec

Finally, exit the ssh shell, and terminate the instance

rerobots terminate f7856ad4-a9d7-43f5-8420-7073d10bceec